Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 03, 2012

I am so angry. I just figured if I posted why I am angry and who I am angry at it may help relieve some of it. I think my blogging is helping me some but I still feel like I am whining, gripping, complaining or whatever you want to call it. I do not want people to feel sorry for me.

I want to send Mr. Ronald Craig Thompson emails, call him tell him yes you are abusive persons, that you used me for your benefit and your sisters benefit, you lied to me I know you had sex with me and someone else, and you never kept your word to me or my family, but I was expected to keep my word to you and to your family. You also are a cheat you, owed me 2 months rent plus part of another, used the washer, dryer & refrigerator as an excuse to not pay what you owe. I have followed you and your family like a faithful puppy, eating where you wanted to eat, watching movies you wanted be it at home or theater, not once did any of do anything I wanted to do when asked. I paid for your freaking payperview movies, tried to fix the foods you like but you still were not happy. I don't think you know how to be happy or how to treat people. Now you have a girl friend, i bet you were having sex with her and me both, now your like the ex's. You have called me rude, inconsiderate, selfish now I am nuts, crazy, and wacko. Yes your like my father now. How about the time you took crap out on me at the shop, or accussing me of wanting to be with someone else, I am a nice person just wanted to please people but I guess you could not see that. I even passed up an opportunity to get network experience because you was afraid I ws going to have sex with someone, hum that sounds alot like you dont it.

I to can come up with expenses, how about the many times you and your sister forgot to come get me on my job I had wait at least 2 hrs for you guys, or the many times you had me waiting for you on my job to come get me, or the gas I had to put back in to my vehicle because you both ran it on empty almost and left me none to get back to work on. Or how about the time I took off my job to take you to your job, I put more gas in my truck to get you and come back home on than what you think. Not counting how you tore my truck up, blowing out my tire by driving 90 miles per hour down the road. Or how about you breaking my dome light huh. You said you would fix those but never did, you expected me to nag you to get things. If I nagged you would have gotten pissted, if I did not nag you you got pisst, if I told how i felt about your treatment to me you would have gotten pisst, and so forth. It seems no matter what you got pisst at me. I even tried to pay half the rent you took that rent to pay for your sisters, fine. That is too okay. Then I am paying rent and bills, covering your butt on the rent. Still I get crapped on, being nice to your sister and helping her when I could, still you crapped on me. It was okay for you to bring Tipp in the house letting him chew on my insence sticks, a straw and shit and piss in the house or in my apartment never did you say much about that but my dogs yes you did. You said I got my way all the time no I do not. I worked for whatever it is I have and got.

How many times did you take your frustration out on me, and I think you found things to start a fight.  It was either the internet, thinking I kicked you off, or downloading things etc. Then I got the dogs those were another excuse for you to take shit out on me. I think you would have found something to take your anger out on me about. You said you was not doing that but you have to realize AT&T was not there and my dogs cannot defend themselves, you even blamed my mom for not potty training them properly gee if i said anything like that you or your sister you would have gotten pisst at me. I cannot say anything to you, or talk to you about anything without you getting pisst. You made up rules for me and my family but none for you and your family.

You never went to meet my mom so how do you know how or what the house smells like. I have asked you to help me figure out the wiring on the house and roof so I could help my mom, asked you for help on my truck but no u never answered or really wanted to do anything with me or for me and my family that would be to much for your lazy ass to do.

I guess That is enough for now but I know I have more I would like to say, but I have to get back to work.

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