Friday, March 30, 2012

March 30, 2012

Well I done it again. I found another man who wants me to be a friend with benefit while he is interested in someone else. I don't think so. We can be friends but without the benefit. I am no one toy. I have news for him no more sex. No more anything. I have been more of a friend to him and his family than he has been to mine.

Why do I keep finding men that are that way? All they want to do is use you, abuse you, cheat on you and lie to you. They never mean what they say unless they speak to you in anger then that is when their true feelings come out.

OH I finally had an STD test. Yes it came back positive for herpes type 2. I have no idea who gave it to me. I have also found out that my Aunt who has the same type of symptoms I have has them too. She has only been with her husband and after he passed away which I would say over 20 years ago, and no one else has herpes too. Guess what she is a diabetic as well. So I am not sure if I got mine from someone else or it is another complication due to my being a diabetic. I keep having urinary tract infections as well. Another complication to being a diabetic.

I came home my 1st home to be with  my mom and son for a week. I had to take off work, 40 hrs of vacation or loose it. I have had a blast. I was going to down size some more but did not accomplish much. I visited with my mom, helped her out some. I also spent some time with my son when he was not working. We went to see Hunger Games it was good movies. I spend to much money when I come to my moms and go out with my son. lol. I wish I can hep my mom out some more with the house and things. I feel so bad and guilty.

I will be going back home tomorrow. I have to get back in time to pay the landlord the rent. I wish I could fix my mess and find a house of my own.

Any how I hope and pray things go good for everyone. I know I need to post more here and it seems like the only time I post anything is when I am in a sad or bad mood. I will try to do better.

Take care,

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