Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mar. 10, 2012

I hate, I mean I really and truly hate all men. All they can do is nag, bitch, gripe or whatever it is you want to call about anything and everything. They can play loud music, talk to you how ever they want too, make you feel really small like.

Roommate wants to know why we are no longer close. I am not at his beck and call. He never does anything with me, for me nor can I depend on him. All I ever do is run after him and his sister. He can make up all the rules for someone to play by but when they do and they don't do what he wants he gets pisst. I am not allowed to get pisst or show any emotions. He keep threatening to move out.

On top of all this I had to fight with ATT to get my internet working. They said I had Uverse out here where I live. RIGHT!!! Not, could not get the internet connected or stay connected, roommate had an attitude with that and me on top of it all. It took me a whole week to get it fix, and all it had to do with is my account not showing up. I kept getting past around from one department to another. Dumbasses. Hey I kept telling you my account number is not working. Must be a mixture of men and blondes working together.

I also have to put up with other peoples rudeness on my job. I cannot talk on the phone without the coworker yelling for help, or the other fellow coworker not pitching in, thinks because he is on a release of some form means he does not have to help out when it is needed. We are short handed and my boss is having to help else where and others are either sick or have appointments to keep.

I am at the point in my life where I need to finish school, keep myself employeed, get out of debt and to find a house. I have my mom to worry about and my son who thinks he is a man but still a child. Does not yet know how to think like a human being.

I guess enough bitching. I will catch you all later. Night Night

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