Friday, February 22, 2013

Sequestration - frustration

I am surprised that no one has started a petition on the site to stop the sequestration/furloughs. Honestly how many of us Americans want to loose our jobs, thus loose our homes especially if you rent or have a mortgage. It would mean millions of people would be out of a job, on unemployment, those with health issues would not be able to go to the doctors and hospitals be more deaths in the USA. These budget cuts they have been talking about how badly will these cuts hurt us, if the military budgets gets cuts will this leave us vulnerable to attacks from the outsiders. How badly will these hurt the people? I am sorry I need my insurance, I need my job to pay for my education, to pay for the things that just happen in life.

Why don't the government help the people that they lay off due to furloughs find replacement jobs? No they won't help they are so stuck on themselves, so concerned about not going on those expensive vacations, or helping some country out when ours is suffering.

We voted these people into office and how do they repay us. We loose our jobs. We loose our lively hood. I am so tired of for every time I try to take a step forward to better myself and life. We have people unwilling to cooperate that pushes us back a few more steps. Life is hard enough as it is.

I know I am rambling but it is just freaking hard. I try not to worry about things and keep hoping for the best. If this sequestration/furlough goes through it means moving back in with my mom and trying to take whatever job comes my way and to finish school when I can. My health is another issue I just cannot afford to do without insurance. I cannot get help for being a diabetic because I am not pregnant or old enough to get assistance. I cannot afford $550 month rent, utility bills, plus my own personal bills. I am already spending more than I make and I am trying to make it on my own without much help from anyone.I know I am not the only one in this boat. I want a house of my own, no more renting, how in the world will I be able to afford a house at my age when this is going on. I feel like that dream just has been killed.

I am trying to keep the faith, pray, writing the white house and hope for the best.

I guess I rambled enough. I may write more tomorrow start the process all over again.

You call take care, pray for our government and keep the faith.


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