Saturday, December 10, 2011

Dec. 10, 2011

Don't you get tired of making a list of things you think you need even if it is useful items. I sit at my computer and I am making a list both of materialistic and non-materialistic items.

My list of improvements on myself. I want to become a better cook, make healthier meals. I want to build up my self confidence, my self esteem. I want to find love, and acceptance.

My list of things I want in my life. I want bookcases, shelves for my books and craft supplies, an extra tv for the bedroom, house. I table for my computer and another for me to craft on etc.

These list are never ending alwasy changing, that is life. It is a constant change. I keep marking off my list of things but then I am adding back to it. Oh well that is life.

I will try to find other things to talk about. I am tired of complaining about my life.

One lesson I learned today. when you do the dishes make sure the fork prongs are turned the other direction. I stuck the fork prong between my thumb and nail. It hurt like a mother and it bled. Any how enough for tonight.

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