Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dec. 4, 2011

Is it me or what. Where do people learn how to drive. I made a left turn, into the left lane, was going to get turn on my turn signal to get into the right lane, the people behind me go directly into the right lane. I had to go around the block to so that I can make a deposit to my acccount. If that is not the case you have someone cutting in front of you without a moments notice.

I spent way to much money. I have this idea. I need to make a grocery list for each store I go to, The Health Food Center. I want to try eating gluten free foods see if that will help with my sugar. I know I cannot get completely way from glutens but I can try. I also want to go to the Asian stores, as well as the craft and other stores. I need to make a list for each store I go to. I always spend way to much money.  I watched this video on you tube about budget grocery shopping. It made since you plan your meals, check your frig, pantry and spice/bake goods to see what you have and don't have. I always buy something like green peppers or mushroom and not use them all then they go to the garbage because they rot, icky. She suggested when you plan your meals, plan them where you can use the rest of green pepper, mushroom etc.

I bought pizza for my supper. My sinuses are bothering me, another reason to start eating better. I was invited to go next door for movie, but I in turn invited them for pizza because I wanted to share. I she don't do pizza. Yeah right. I did not tell her where I bought it from.

I also spent money online for some die cuts for my die cut machine. I moved an end table into the living room to set my small christmas tree. I went to the craft store as well, got my cookie cutters to make some ornaments out of, found a recipe online for applesauce & cinnamon ornaments but I have some left over gharam masala spice. It has salt in it so I don't like to use it much bcz i forget that it has salt and use it on the food, then my food because to salty. I am kind of wondering what it will smell like. I thought I had some applesauce in the frig but I think I threw it out. I included the link on how to save money on groceries at the bottom of this post.

I did get my ultra sound to see if my kidneys and bladder are still in place and nothing out of the ordinary. I however have to wait until Wednesday for the results. I also have to remember to turn in my Beneficiary form to my employeer.

The roommate said he will be home on Sunday. Said I may have to come get him, his car is acting up. I hope he makes it all the way home and I do not have to go get him.

I guess enough gripping for tonight.

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