Saturday, January 21, 2012

Jan. 21, 2012

Well how is your New Year going? Mine is going okay, it seems like nothing has changed much accept the weather. Today it seems much colder out. I need to go to the store but I may just stay home and wait until Monday, go to the store after work.

My goals are to finish my school, finish my craft projects, work hard and play equally hard. My other goal is to become debt free, and more independent. I am so tired of people telling me they are going to this and that, but nothing really happens. I will not ask for help unless it is totally necessary but in the end I wind up doing things myself. I also want to find my happy place, where everything that comes my way good or bad my attitude stays upbeat in a good place. My mind tends to wander, thoughts of what I should have done, what if this or that had happen and so forth. I even have anger inside, which I wish I can dispel, not sure if that is the right word or if i spelled it correctly. I want my anger gone, to remain gone, not to keep holding in resentment at men, women in what they have done to me.

I woke up on the sofa today, lol. I have been going to bed. I do miss having a TV in the bedroom. I got a sinus cold, my eyes are burning, itchy feeling. I feel like I could lay down and sleep some more.

I want to try to work on my craft projects and maybe play a game. I need to get into a rountine, craft, studying and chatting on the computer during the week & on the weekends games, crafts and chatting. I have to fit in cooking and cleaning in here somewhere, plus my job. I know if I can get into a rountine I will fee much better, less chaotic.

My other goal is to save as much as I can this year, do without. Meaning if I dont have the money to do it or buy it do without until I have the money.

I need to go home (to Kansas, I call both homes in Oklahoma and Kansas home) to get some of my things brought back with me. I also need to take a week off work to thru alot of my things to get rid of lot of stuff, if someone else can refurbish or reuse it in some form I will be happy.

I know I have not posted much lately. I am working hard, and time I get home I don't want to do much of anything. I sometimes don't even want to chat on the computer or check my email when I get home, rather just sit watch tv and do something  else.

I hope you all are having a wonderful New Year and I hope to get into blogging more.

Take care

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